All of Zen is basically the practice of making peace — within ourselves, between one another, and in the world at large. The Zen direction, however, puts great emphasis on peace within. Unless we come to peace, acceptance, and wholeness within, we cannot find or provide peace in our relationships. And the way we are in relationships is a clear manifestation of the peace and unity we have found within. The modern-day Zen Master Thich Nhat Hahn describes this beautifully: "Although we cannot cover the entire world with peace, we can cover our own feet and, one step at a time, walk along, bringing peace with us."

If we try to fix a troubled world while we ourselves are filled with anger and confusion, we are of little value. Our ultimate contribution is who we are. We do not cover the truth of who we are with good intentions or the fight for causes. First we sit down on the cushion and face ourselves. When we are ready, we can bring true ease of heart wherever we go.

Brenda Shoshanna in Jewish Dharma