One way to get to know Jesus, the man, better would be to take time occasionally to reflect on a Gospel incident, trying to be in touch with what Jesus might be feeling. It is like trying to get inside his skin and sensing what he might have felt. This is not far-fetched. It is a simple way of getting in touch with his humanness. In some incidents this is easy, as when he cries over Jerusalem or in chapter 4 of Mark's Gospel where we read, "Grieved to find them so obstinate, he looked angrily around at them." We could imagine the scene and simply ask the question, "Were you really angry, Jesus?" and try to stay with his mood or feeling.

Another form of prayer is to imagine yourself in a scene, meeting Jesus. For example, if you take the incident of Jesus meeting the blind man, imagine youself there instead of the blind person. The important part of the prayer is allowing yourself to "meet" Jesus, allowing him to be with you, to look at you, touch you, speak to you.

Michael Morwood in God is Near