The Academy Awards and other such ceremonies are enormously popular. They celebrate outstanding accomplishments in a variety of endeavors. It's not only the public, but the industry that likes them. They focus attention on the nominees and effectively sell their products.

Why not turn this device toward spiritual ends? In this game, focus attention on the good in and around you by presenting daily awards. The product you're selling is nothing less than a fulfilling experience of life.

You might work initially with three categories. The first is My Positive Accomplishments. As you go through the day, note things you have done well: unselfish acts, constructive approaches to problems, moments of kindness to yourself and others. Perhaps you were courteous to a next-door neighbor, or tackled a chore you'd been putting off. Add it to the list you're keeping mentally or on paper.

The Second Category is Positive Accomplishments of Others. Keep track of the good things that those around you do this day, Your child care provider greets your kid with a hug; she treats him like one of her own. Today, don't just take that for granted. Put it on the list. After arriving on the job, a co-worker offers to bring your coffee. That's considerate. On the list it goes.

The third category is something like Special Graces from God or the Universe. Here note any positives that Spirit has sent your way; a parking space appearing when you desperately needed one; some relief from fear as a result of prayer; a well-timed phone call from an old friend; coming home at night to a basically happy marriage. Search out blessings you might otherwise overlook.

Drew Leder in Games for the Soul