Kindly focus your awareness on that particular part of your body, adding this prayer: "I will thank you because I am marvelously made" (Ps 139:13). For example, perhaps your attention has rested upon your kidney. Breathing slowly, let your awareness focus on your kidneys, while repeating silently or aloud, "I will thank you because I am marvelously made." There is no clever formula for matching the words to the breath; just let that happen as naturally as you can.

As your attention remains with one particular organ, notice if you have any feelings, fears, misgivings, anxieties, questions, or thanksgivings. What memories come to you? Concerns? Associations? Allow yourself time to pay attention to images or colors. Perhaps a line from a hymn, or a song, or a poem will come to you during this time of focusing.

Mary C. Earle in Broken Body, Healing Spirit