Forming opinions, listening to other points of view, and seeking consensus are all part of daily life in a democracy. You can practice this through the conversations you have in your car, whether driving to school, sports practices, or other events. Be intentional about the use of this time. Are the children learning about a particular time in history or an issue in class they would like to talk about? When appropriate, and particularly with older children, consider turning on talk radio or listening to a podcast on an issue. In How to Raise Kind Kids, Thomas Lickona, director of the Center for the 4th and 5th Rs (Respect and Responsibility), encourages adults to use back-and-forth questions that can't be answered with a single word or a phrase. For example: What was an interesting conversation you had today? What's something you accomplished this week that you feel good about? If you could talk with anyone from history, who would it be? What would you ask them? If you were President, what are two things you'd try to change?

Kristin Ritzau, Thomas Lickona in Practicing Democracy with Children by Kristin Ritzau, Mary Ann Brussat