In The Problem of Wealth, theology professor Elizabeth Hinson-Hasty tells the story of her experience of a ropes course. At the time she was teaching at St. Andrews Presbyterian College, which had established a curriculum with the mission of educating able-bodied students alongside differently abled students. In the ropes course, both groups of students participated; often able-bodied students assisted their peers with disabilities. Towards the end of the course, when everyone was getting tired, two of the students in wheel chairs wheeled able-bodied students through the remainder of the course. Hinson-Hasty writes, "When the students faced the challenges, they entered into a sort of dance; learning how to work together, collaborating to find a way through. Everyone was involved, and as a result, a household of equal partners emerged. Everyone was valued according to what they contributed as anyone might have needed help on that day. . . . [This] model for daily life suggests a way of ordering social, economic, and political systems and structures in forms appropriate to what [Catholic theologian Catherine] LaCugna calls 'the mystery of persons in communion.' "

As Hinson-Hasty points out, people with disabilities frequently experience income poverty and other economic deprivation at two to three times the rate for persons without disabilities. To practice the democratic values of equality and justice for all, and to also practice the democratic virtue of embrace of diversity, make a commitment to promote the hiring and retention of differently abled persons as an important step toward reducing poverty and expanding economic inclusion. You can easily find free online resources with helpful recruitment and retention suggestions. Here is one:
Consult whoever handles human resources for your business, and get started.

Habib Todd Boerger, Elizabeth Hinson-Hasty in Practicing Democracy at Work by Habib Todd Boerger