Humor in Your Daily Life

Throughout my life, my tendency has been to make notes about painful events, and not the humorous and healing ones. I had to learn to become aware of the latter events. In this way, what is stored within me are not just the hard times but the joyful ones. In general, I suggest you always make notes to keep yourself consciously aware of the meaningful moments in your life.

For the next week, however, do something more specific. Carry a small journal, and every time you find yourself smiling or laughing, pause to write down the details of the moment. Write descriptions of the events that make you smile, from emails to chance encounters in the supermarket. Read your pages every evening before you go to bed, and in the morning reread your notes to prepare yourself for another joyful day.

Notice what type of humor appeals to you and inspires your childlike laughter. Keep this journal as a resource so you can refer to it when the clouds block the sunshine out of your life. You will discover you can make your own weather.

Bernie S. Siegel in 101 Exercises for the Soul: Simple Practices for a Health Mind, Body & Spirit