WE GATHER TODAY AS A DIVERSE body of people from
many faiths and traditions.
We do not speak the same language of worship.
We follow different teachings,
made known to us by sacred voices and scriptures
through the ages.
We do not utter the same prayers,
nor do we even use the same word, if any word at all,
to speak the name of God.
Nevertheless, we gather together in worship.
In our gathering, we honor and celebrate our diversity.
We do not seek a unity that would deny our differences.
We seek rather a deeper union, a union woven through
choice and intent,
through time and attention,
through respect and compassion,
until we recognize that we have become a whole cloth,
a cloth made rich and textured and vibrant through our
Each of us can hear, in the beating of our own hearts,
the ancient rhythm of the loom at work.
We are woven together.
We are bound to one another.
We belong to and with each other.
Let us worship together.

Kathleen McTigue in For Praying Out Loud: Interfaith Prayers for Public Occasions by L. Annie Foerster