God of peace,
God of justice,
God of freedom,
We give you thanks for you cadences of
peace, justice, and freedom
Cadences that have surged through the lives
of Martin,
and Ralph,
and Rosa,
and John,
and Fred,
and Hosea,
and Jesse,
and Andy,
and all that nameless mask of risk-takers who have been
obedient to your promises
and susceptible to your dreams.
Deliver us from amnesia
concerning their courage in the face of violence,
their peace-making against hate,
and their hunger for you in a devouring economy.
Deliver us from amnesia:
turn our memory into hope,
turn our gratitude into energy,
turn our well-being into impatience.
That these same cadences of your will may pulse even among us.

Walter Brueggemann in Awed to Heaven, Rooted in Earth by Edwin Searcy