The prayer of adoration included here captures the spirit of the Berulle French School practice.

Move into a kneeling position with your arms out and palms facing up, or choose any body position that demonstrates adoration. Closing your eyes may help you focus. Pray the prayer that follows in "awakened contemplation." This means that you are alert and fully conscious of your prayer, not dull or in a relaxed stupor.

STEP ONE: Say aloud the word "Look." Then pause for two or three minutes and be silent in the presence of Jesus. Contemplate the face of Jesus as you imagine it, and as he appears in others (such as your children or parents or friends).

STEP TWO: Say aloud the word "Unite." Again, pause for two or three minutes and be silent as you unite your desires and needs with the will of Jesus. This is the movement of the heart to the beloved, an immense longing. It is the mysterious pouring out of one's own being into the beloved thou. Feel the presence of Jesus as your companion. Consciously feel the companionship of others in your life, whom you also love.

STEP THREE: Say aloud the word "Power." Pause for two or three minutes of silence one last time as you open yourself to accepting Jesus' power to live enriched and whole, joyous and free. Accept the holy, silent mystery that fills any emptiness in your life. Remember that you are loved, and that the Spirit frees you to live out your life in a God-conscious way. The strong arms of God's divine strength lift you to a higher place.

Use this reflective prayer (from Mechtild of Magdeburg) to end your prayer time:

Lord, you are my lover,
My longing,
My flowing stream,
My sun,
And I am your reflection.

Patricia D. Brown in Paths to Prayer