This blessing is meant to be led by the presider of the Ash Wednesday liturgy or a Lenten prayer service. The presider invites those present to stand in pairs, facing one another. Those being blessed remain silent. The presider speaks the blessing while those facing each other place their hands next to the part of the other person's body that is being blessed. The final three lines that the presider speaks are repeated to each other by those being blessed.

May the Gospel teachings about non-judgment resound in your thoughts of others.

May you listen closely to how God invites you to grow spiritually during this Lenten season.

May you slow down and look more intently in order to find God's movement in your life.

May you carry your cross of difficulties with courage, trusting God's strength to uphold you.

May your service be so intertwined with God that this love overflows from your heart.

May you keep turning your heart toward God and allow this love to be reflected in the way you live your life.

May you welcome God's companionship and guidance as you travel the path of life.

Whisper to the other person:
Return with all your heart.
Remember the Holy Spirit dwells in you.
Be at peace.

Joyce Rupp in Prayer Seeds