If you have access to four seeds, use them to represent the four seeds of compassion [nonjudgment, nonviolence, forgiveness, and mindfulness]. If not, cut four small pieces of paper. Write the name of one of the seeds of compassion on each paper. Choose one of these, and put it in the palm of your right hand. Place your left hand on top of it, as if covering a seed in the soil. As you breathe in, breathe this quality of life into your heart. Do this for two or three minutes. Then repeat the gestures with the other three seeds, or words. Put these in place where you will see them the rest of the week, to remind you to nurture these qualities within you.

Gardener of My Inner Being, you enrich the soil of my heart with your bountiful love. I will do my part each day to grow seeds of compassion in that soil.

“The one who sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and the one who sows bountifully will also reap bountifully” (2 Cor 9:6).

Joyce Rupp in Boundless Compassion