After you have moved in and unpacked your boxes, invite family and friends, old and new, to join you for a chanukat habayit, a dedication of your new house. To those unfamiliar with this beautiful practice, explain that this is the Jewish way of transforming a new house in the sacred space of home.

We bless those who enter.


Across this threshold
may these things never cross:
anger and anxiety,
hatred and hunger,
insult and injury.
May this mezuzah,
as we kiss it going in and out,
remind all who enter
to bring with them only
love and laughter,
praise and prayer,
kindness and comfort.
Let the doors of this house be wide open,
so all who enter may find shelter and love.


And you shall write them upon the doorposts (mezuzot) of your house and upon your gates. (Deuteronomy 6:9)
The mezuzah, in addition to marking the passage from public to private domain, also designates that the private domain must be a certain type of dwelling, one that is fit for human living. When we mark our doorpost with a mezuzah, we are minded that our domain must be a fitting abode for an image of God, such as ourselves. (National Jewish Center for Learning and Leadership Faculty)

Rabbi Irwin Kula, editor, Vanessa L. Ochs, editor in The Book of Jewish Sacred Practices