Love is not just a feeling to be hidden away in the heart and enjoyed privately. Love is something we show in everything we say and do, a witness to our families, our friends, and the world.

  • Look for God-winks and grace notes. The world is a very different place depending on how you look at it. Instead of seeing events in your life as random and unconnected, actively look for the meaningful coincidences and lessons life brings you. I assure you, the pattern will emerge sooner or later!
  • Be open to surprises. Life inevitably happens to us, despite our excellent plans, our noble purpose, and our clear vision of the future. But most of our success comes from responding to unexpected people, events, and opportunities. Respond creatively to all the things that just find you in life – meeting someone who shares your dreams, accepting the offer of a free music lesson, taking a new job on a hunch. Listen to the world around you, and have a sense that beneath the surface of so many surprising encounters there is a God of love. Surprises are where the good things happen.
  • Answer the big four items of the divine love scale. Take a moment to answer these questions about your relationship to God's love. How you score is not a judgment but a reflection of your relationship today. If your scores are mostly d's, e's, and f's, consider it a blessing. If not, stay open to God-winks, grace notes, and surprises!

1. I feel God's love as the greatest power in the universe.

a. Never (or I don't believe in God)
b. Once in a while
c. Some days
d. Most days
e. Every day
f. More than once a day

2. I feel God's love directly.

a. Never (or I don't believe in God)
b. Once in a while
c. Some days
d. Most days
e. Every day
f. More than once a day

3. I feel God's love through others.

a. Never (or I don't believe in God)
b. Once in a while
c. Some days
d. Most days
e. Every day
f. More than once a day

4. I feel God's love increasing my compassion for others.

a. Never (or I don't believe in God)
b. Once in a while
c. Some days
d. Most days
e. Every day
f. More than once a day

Stephen G. Post in The Hidden Gifts of Helping