Let yourself sail away on an ocean of kindness. Allow the idea of perpetual kindness to take root in your heart and mind. What would that be like? What if you treated yourself with kindness in each moment? How would that feel?

Relaxing. Your struggle would fall away. Your psyche could take a vacation from telling you to suck in your stomach or work longer hours because you are too lazy. What if you only spoke to yourself, in your mind or aloud about yourself, with kindness?

You have heard the saying "If you don't have anything nice to say, then say nothing at all." Could you do that? Specifically, to and about yourself? Not only can you, but you will also find it is not that difficult. It just takes a little self-observation.

Become aware of the "voice in your head," the one who is reading right now. The one who says things in your mind like "Did I remember to lock the car? Better check. I'll check later. What if I didn't lock it? Maybe I should just do it now. After I finish this . . ." You know, your inner narrator, in there chattering away to you about everything.

Now, make a conscious decision to respectfully demand that your inner narrator only speak to you with kindness. Define what that means to you now. And actually tell your brain, in no uncertain terms, "We are now choosing kindness, all the time." You may make some missteps along the way, that is perfectly natural. Just dust yourself off, get back on the horse of kindness, and keep galloping toward true happiness. You are getting closer every moment, and mental relaxation is courting you now.

It's also important to be in touch with your true emotions. You never want to repress them or stuff them down deeply. And if anything is ever harming you physically, mentally, emotionally, or spiritually, then you must take action on it and pay attention to it. So when emotions come up, once you are sure that they are not harming you, it’s useful to simply observe them and see what they are trying to tell you or get you to notice. If needed, respond constructively to the message they are bringing you. When appropriate, bring your focus back to kindness and compassion.

Talk to yourself like a cherished friend.
Treat yourself with love and care.
You are perfect, just as you are.

Amy Leigh Mercree in The Compassion Revolution