You have the unique opportunity in modern times in the Western world to choose your own spiritual path. You may end up combining spiritual traditions from many different religions or philosophies. And you may choose to forge a brand new path.

I believe that we have entered the age where there are no more gurus because everyone has the opportunity to be their own guru. Yes, teachers abound. But what if the ultimate universal life force that courses through us all has the power to open the door to your own inner divine nature?

You are your own guru.

And you can put your focus on whatever brings you the most joy and fulfillment. Perhaps meditation expands your mind and heart in ways you never imagined. Perhaps the study of Kabbalah brings order to the world in a way that you've always craved. Perhaps the tenets of a certain Native American philosophy resonate with you deeply.

Whatever works for you is absolutely perfect.

So pull out your journal and a pen or some colored pencils and markers and answer the following questions. You can write your answers or even draw pictures of them.

  • What are some ways that you enjoy being creative? Creating art? Drawing, painting? Dancing? Singing? Writing or creating poetry? Woodworking? List three to five things that come to mind.
  • Next, what word do you like to use to describe the universal energy or life force that flows through us all? Do you like the word "God"? "Goddess"? "Great mystery"? "Divinity"? "Spirit"? "Source"? "The one"?
  • Is there anything about existing religions to which you've been exposed that does not resonate with you? You can make a brief note of that.
  • Do you prefer to connect with spiritual energy solo or in a group, or do you like both?
  • Do you feel like something is missing spiritually and you want to put more energy and attention on that part of your life?

Review your answers afterward and contemplate them. An ideal situation may be easily visible through this contemplation. On the other hand, you may just need to sit with these answers for a time and see what emerges. But this is the first step of taking ownership of your own spiritual path.

Find the light within you through meditation and introspection,
and you will illuminate your life from within.

Amy Leigh Mercree in The Compassion Revolution