To get in the pose:

*From a standing position, place your feet shoulder width apart, knees slightly bent.

*Inhale and fill up one-third of your lungs while swinging your arms in front of you up to shoulder height, palms up.

*Continue the inhale, filling two-thirds of your lungs as you swing your arms, still at shoulder height, out to the side like a bird taking flight.

*Finish the same inhale, filling the final third of your lungs while swinging your arms forward and up. End with your arms overhead, palms facing each other.

*Now exhale thoroughly while bending your knees and torso forward and swinging your arms down and behind you. Make a ‘ha’ sound on the exhale, if you like.

*Repeat the sequence as many times as you like. Let your breathing and movement be relaxed. Become immersed in the rhythm.

*Return to stillness and notice any sensations flowing through your face, arms, and palms.

Remember what you sense and feel in the presence of wild places — rivers, oceans, the sun, and forests. Imagine you are with them as you do the Breath of Joy. Or physically be with them on the land and offer this pose as a gift. Notice if you receive any response.

Rebecca Wildbear in Wild Yoga