Stand facing your partner or a good friend.
Decide who will go first.
One of you will speak, and the other will receive.
Let your bodies be relaxed and comfortable,
Your arms hanging loosely by your sides,
Your legs relaxed so that your knees are not locked.
Look softly into one of your partner's eyes.
For the one receiving, you are going to be absolutely present.
Just looking, receiving, hearing, without any reaction at all.
You're going to be like the sky, open and receptive.
For the one speaking,
Looking into one of your partner's eyes,
Give a commentary on the present moment.
You're going to report on what is seen,
What is heard, what is felt in the body.
You can report on thoughts, on judgments, on memories.
But make sure you report them as thoughts.
Speak only of what is being experienced exactly now.
After five minutes, fall silent for a few seconds
And then switch roles.

Arjuna Ardagh in Leap Before You Look