Your body is not something to control, manipulate, torment and complain about.

Many of us have, from adolescence onward, cultivated a habit of ingratitude toward our bodies. We focus on perceived faults, deficiencies, drawbacks, comparing them unfavorably to absurd notions of physical beauty that have little to do with good health and physical strength and ease.

Know that it is impossible to cultivate high-minded notions about living positively and to leave your body out of the picture. Accepting and loving your body is crucial to good health.

• Take time to appreciate what is precious and alive about your body, no matter how far from 'ideal' your body shape may be.
• Be aware how your attitude toward your body reflects your gratitude for your gift of life.
• Be aware that there is no meaningful distinction between mind and body; treat them as two aspects of the same whole.
• Value the health and strength of your physical being.
• Explore what treats you would like to give your body (a massage, a long walk, adequate rest, nourishing food, fresh air, an easy day).
• Keep in focus that peace of mind supports your physical existence beyond anything else.

Stephanie Dowrick in Choosing Happiness: Life & Soul Essentials