Blessed be the transformation from fireball to the planets.
Blessed be the transformation from gas in space to solid earth.
Blessed be evolution — the unfolding of rich potentialities.
Blessed be creative expectations — hope mixed with potency.
Blessed be the Cosmic Christ, who rules from pole to pole.
Blessed be the Spirit hovering over chaos.
Blessed be angels, God's messengers of the spiritual.
Blessed be the moon, which moves the tides of our feelings.
Blessed be the sun, which blankets us with warmth.

Blessed be gravity, the allurement binding us to earth.
Blessed be the earth, which molds us.
Blessed be dancing molecules, electrons and quarks.
Blessed be speech, song, story — voices of the earth.
Blessed be electricity, which lights up our stories.
Blessed be the Internet and virtual reality.
Blessed be television and the alpha state of relaxing.
Blessed be E-mail and the instant written word.
Blessed be the cell phone that can rescue us in trouble.
Blessed be creations — natural and human —
that bring us closer to the Source of all blessings.

William John Fitzgerald in Blessings for the Fast Paced & Cyberspaced