There is much weeping when lovers leave each other, whole artforms devoted to parting, but what about one who has known attention from the mystery grows aloof from that guidance? How sad is that separation? What about someone who dies without ever knowing the presence?

That presence can sometimes take the form of a disaster, a deepened awareness, or something more hidden. It may come when you are sitting quietly at home with your children and your wife, or in the devotion with which you do your work.

Remember to move within and live as close as you can to that, and if you feel yourself moving apart from it, don't go to others for companionship. A child cries until the mother comes. Be that demanding. Listen to music and song until your divine Friendship revives. Listen to those who achingly long for God. Noah was a prophet because he so constantly feared losing the closeness.

Bahauddin , The Drowned Book by Coleman Barks, John Moyne