Do I still believe I am entitled to certain privileges and explanations?

Am I secretly waiting for someone else to make me happy?

Am I willing to endure pain in order to grow?

Can I accept the fact that it takes effort to bring about growth?

Do I want Truth even if it makes my life uncomfortable?

Have I yet recognized that my points of view are also my judgments?

Do I still project human emotions, feelings and desires onto God? Do I cling to visions adopted when I was very young? Do I want to see who God really is?

Will I ever give up the illusion of permanence?

Will I continue to insist on certain beliefs, preferring them to direct encounters with the Divine?

What am I really willing to know? And at what cost?

Do I have the desire (or courage) to find God in life?

Today I am surprised by some of the questions I've expressed in my journals over the years. But I realize that at the time, I was writing from a different perspective, looking through a lens that restricted how much I could see. Where is God, I kept asking? How can I find God?

Paula D'Arcy, Seeking With All My Heart