To deepen your gratitude toward all people, it is helpful to reflect on the unintended kindness of those who provide goods and services without necessarily knowing the names or faces of those whom they serve. We live in dependence upon those who have no special motivation to help us.

When we want rain and it rains, we are grateful even though there is no motivation on the part of the shower to help us. Also, if we want a grove of trees to roam in, we are happy to have that grove and value it even though the stand of trees itself has no motivation to help. Similarly, sentient beings provide necessities for your life; there are helping you in particular without ever knowing you in particular. In this life there are so many facilities we enjoy — nice buildings, roads, and so forth — that are produced by other people. As you can see, thousands of people in this lifetime, whom you may never meet, are showing you kindness.

1. Think of all the food in a supermarket and all the persons involved in making it available — from the farmers to the truckers to the persons who put it on the shelves.
2. Realize that even a glass of water depends on a vast nexus of individuals.
3. Contemplate that all the facilities we use — buildings, roads, and so forth — are produced by other people.

His Holiness The Dalai Lama, How to Expand Love