Fear reveals the human condition, which is made up of fears and hopes, of helplessness and the search for consolation. We fail to realize that we are not masters of our destiny. We are at the mercy of forces and situations beyond our control.

Fear nullifies the joy of life, hinders freedom, and clouds the future. Who or what will free us from this nightmare? It won't be relaxation exercises, self-help strategies, or anti-depressants that will free us from the sword hanging over our head.

Who knows a spiritual route that can enable us to transcend this situation and open us to the prospect of divine protection? Perhaps here is where we might find a path to liberation.

In any case, we are called to trust in a Greater One, who is infinitely good, who knows us by name, who knows the secrets of our hearts, and who is the true master of our life's fate.

Leonardo Boff, The Lord is My Shepherd