The peace of your heart makes life beautiful for those around you.

Being wracked with worry has never been a way of living the Gospel. Founding your faith on torment would mean building a house on sand (Mt 7:26-27).

At every moment, do you hear these words of Jesus the Christ: "Peace I leave you; my peace I give you. Let your hearts cease to be troubled and afraid" (Jn 14:27).

This deep-seated peace provides the lightness needed to set out once again, when failure or discouragements weigh on your shoulders.

And sheer wonder comes alive, along with a breath of poetry, a simplicity of life and, for those able to understand it, a mystical vision of the human person.

Brother Roger of Taize , Brother Roger of Taize: Essential Writings by Marcello Fidanzio, editor, Brother Roger of Taize