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Results for "practice: Unity"
Unity A program for individuals and small groups on the spiritual practice of unity.
Intentional Communities A round-up of our best content on intentional communities.
Uncommon Gratitude Joan Chittister on the four characteristics of unity: it frees, enables, supports, and listens.
The Sun in Me Moira Andrew's poem "The Sun in Me."
Children's Books on the Unity of the Human Family A joyful new book series of photographic essays of children with their parents, grandparents, and animals.
(title not found) A spiritual CD with ballads, devotional songs, and tributes to women. This song by Sara Thomsen salutes the unity of women.
(title not found) Music video and lyrics to the song "By Breath."
Viewer's Guide on Unity Reflection and discussion questions to use when viewing this episode.
Mysticism is like a river Mysticism is like a river
Behold the light Behold the light