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Results for "author_first: Bill, author_last: Moyers"
Bill Moyers in A World of Ideas When I learn something new
The Language of Life A poem by Stanley Kunitz on the spiritual practice of you.
The Language of Life Alegria's poem "Summing Up."
Fooling with Words Deborah Garrison's poem "A Kiss."
The Language of Life Rita Dove's poem "The First Book" on openness.
The Language of Life Jane Kenyon's poem "Peonies at Dusk."
The Language of Life Donald Hall's poem "White Apples" on listening.
Bill Moyers: Amazing Grace A documentary with performances of the popular hymn and comments by Bill Moyers and many others about the reasons for its continuing impact.
Bill Moyers: The Language of Life A remarkable eight-part series with poetry readings and interviews by host Bill Moyers.
Bill Moyers: The Wisdom of Faith with Huston Smith A lively series about wisdom traditions and religion's path into the future.