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Results for "author_first: Nancy, author_last: Corcoran"
Savor the prayers of other people and religions Savor the prayers of other people and religions
Getting Out of Bed A humorous request for God's help.
A New Approach A prayer exercise with names given the Divine.
We Pray This Day A plea for mercy and compassion upon us all.
Prayer Exercise A simple guide to experiencing cataphatic and apophatic prayer.
Stand There A prayer exercise for visualizing healing and peace for someone with whom you are having difficulty.
A Fasting Prayer Exercise Encouragement to be more conscious of those in need and to share with them.
A Prayer in Motion Exercise A prompt to use a gesture or body movement to express your mind and heart in prayer.
Secrets of Prayer Nancy Corcoran on the devotion of linking prayer and action in the world.
Secrets of Prayer Calls for diversity in our spiritual devotion and practices.