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Results for "author_first: Suzanne, author_last: Guthrie"
The urgency to pray is not only a call The urgency to pray is not only a call
I am most intensely alive when I pray I am most intensely alive when I pray
Prayer is also an art Prayer is also an art
Prevenient grace Prevenient grace
Prayer is largely unconscious and hidden Prayer is largely unconscious and hidden
Be Comfortable Wise counsel on respecting the body during devotions.
Grace's Window Suzanne Guthrie on love that doesn't depend on life or death.
Grace's Window A wonder-filled collection of meditations on the art of taking one's days and experiences to God.
Praying the Hours Suzanne Guthrie on worshiping throughout your home.
Praying the Hours Ways to sanctify the activities of sleeping, waking, reading, working and gardening.