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Crying Out to the Holy One A personal ritual for those dark times when you feel separate from God.
Daily Lectio Divina Advice and learning snippets about practicing Lectio Divina.
Movie Trailers as Springboards for Soulful Conversation Short works of art in their own right that can evoke and inspire.
The Indwelling One A meditation on 1 Kings 18:39.
Speak in a Low Voice A way to protect yourself from anger.
Handling Negativity in the News An opportunity to work with our self-righteous responses to others' offenses.
Protecting All Motherly Human Beings A meditation by Penor Rinpoche to counter dualistic thinking and to create compassion.
Taking Stock of Your Connections How making an inventory of the objects in your home underscores your dependence and influence on others.
Waiting with Attention A fascinating view into the mind's tricks: desire, envy, dislike, anger, and more.
You Accept that you are a child of God. Sing your own song with gusto. Fulfill your mission as a co-partner with the Holy One in the unfolding drama of the universe.