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Results for "keyword: "fiction""
Birthday of Flannery O'Connor Gems from the southern Christian writer who conveyed the wild ways salvation crashes life's party.
A Moth to the Flame A novel about how Rumi's life was transformed through his relationship with the wandering dervish Shams of Tabriz.
The Actual A novel about taking the leap of love.
Flannery O'Connor's Religious Imagination A substantive interpretation of the role of grace and meaning in the fiction of this important Christian writer.
Red Fire An inspiring fantasy that will speak to your heart about a girl from a small town that resists change and her mysterious and magical journey from fear to love.
Slowness A fascinating novel that offers a critique of speed and missing all the details in everyday experience.
The Vicar of Sorrows A novel by A.N.Wilson about the faith crisis of a middle-aged clergyman in England.
Frederick Buechner: Novelist and Theologian of the Lost and Found A fine overview of Frederick Buechner's many and varied writings.
Love Feast A sprightly novel about an unconventional preacher whose path of love is a marvel to behold.
Lion Country Novel about a knight of faith who bestows the lilt of life to those he meets.