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Results for "keyword: %22mind%22"
Polishing the Diamond, Enlightening the Mind Jae Woong Kim on the power of the thoughts and images of our mind.
Master-Mind Maria Konnikova on Sherlock Holmes modeling a new way of thinking.
Zen Mind, Beginner's Mind Shunryu Suzuki on the beginner's mind as being compassionate and boundless.
One Dharma Elucidates in many profound and dramatic ways the essential wisdom of this tradition that has become so popular in North America.
Light Waves Translates many of the essential principles of Constructive Living into poetic musings about everyday life, feelings, and doing well.
The Universe in a Single Atom Makes a good case for the collaboration of contemporary science and spirituality.
One Small Step Can Change Your Life Makes a good case for slow and steady incremental improvement in all that we do.
Out of Your Mind Out of Your Mind: Essential Listening from the Alan Watts Audio Archives presents six lectures that ably display this renowned teacher's knowledge of Eastern wisdom.
Kosmic Consciousness Insights into Wilber's integral theory of everything.
Voices and Visions Nine compelling interviews from Psychology Today magazine by its consulting editor.