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Results for "keyword: %22strangers%22"
Blessed, therefore, are the strangers. Blessed, therefore, are the strangers.
In the cherry blossom's shade In the cherry blossom's shade
No such thing as stranger No such thing as stranger
One thing is clear One thing is clear
Angels and Dragons On finding divine grace by practicing unity with strangers at a shopping mall.
Muhammad in The Knowing Heart Blessed, therefore, are the strangers
A Biography of the Spirit John Haughey's realization that his appreciation of space-time requires the virtue of hospitality.
The Great Awakening Jim Wallis addressing a cycle of disrespect in our society.
Women in Praise of the Sacred A poem by Hadewijch of Antwerp translated by Oliver Davies about love.
The Holy Intimacy of Strangers Explores the spiritual practice of hospitality and unspools it as a way to neutralize our natural tendency to rush to judgment.