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Results for "practice: Hope"
Hope A program for individuals and small groups on the spiritual practice of hope.
Henri J. M. Nouwen in Bread for the Journey All the great spiritual leaders in history
Pierre Teilhard de Chardin in Lyrics for Re-Creation The future belongs to those
Patience & Pleasure A tip for handling situations that require patience.
O God, I Need Thee An expression of neediness for God and hope in the future.
Bringing Hope to the World Creating a "Rope of Hope" ceremony by braiding strands of yarn or twine.
Planting Hope Writing a hope on a paper and burying it under a live houseplant.
After 9/11, Pieta for Darfur and Iraq, Solstice Three works by spiritual master and artist Frederick Franck and the artist's story of how he created his Pieta.
Holding Up Hope It may seem strange to focus on hope when so much despair-inducing evidence is accumulating. But peril and despair breed hope, not the other way around.
Alice Walker in The Sacred Impulse I get energy from the Earth