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Results for "practice: Imagination"
Who's Afraid of Contemporary Art? A playful and snappy guide to the changes happening in the art world.
The Face of Jesus Three hundred color images of the face of Jesus from 2,000 years of art.
The Sound of One Hand A wonderful collection of over 100 whimsical ink paintings and calligraphies by the great Zen master.
The New Testament Through 100 Masterpieces of Art Visual treats for those who savor the link between religion and art.
An Art Meditation for 9/11 Spiritual master and artist Frederick Franck's reflections on how he created his "Pieta for Darfur & Iraq" and a story about his paintings "After 9/11" and "Solstice".
The Spirit of Tibet Full-color photographs of Tibetans now living in exile in Nepal and India.
An Artist's Book of Inspiration Distilled wisdom of many geniuses.
Creating an Imaginative Life A beautifully written and compelling spiritual autobiography of a pianist and composer.
Zen Seeing, Zen Drawing A presentation of the world-renowned artist's philosophy and approach to creativity.
Evil, Sexuality, and Disease in Grunewald's Body of Christ A startling meditation on a controversial altarpiece from the 16th century.