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Results for "practice: Justice"
Catholics Spending and Acting Justly Charles Wilber on the human person as both sacred and social.
Where Justice Dwells Jill Jacobs on doing social justice as a spiritual practice.
God Is Not a Christian Desmond Tutu on believers not having a choice in opposing injustice.
Pauli Murray Sermons and essays on justice for women and blacks by the first African American woman ordained by the Episcopal Church.
Troubled Water A helpful overview of this growing crisis.
An Ordinary Person's Guide to Empire A highly critical assessment of democracy in the United States, India, and South Africa, along with a lament for the growing influence of those with power and money.
Where Is God? Probes the widespread suffering of the poor and the sources of hope that lie in the work of primordial saints in the Third World.
Justice Contains the Catholic scholar's overview of this important spiritual practice.
Lights on in the House of the Dead The author's journal that he kept while in prison which arouses strong emotions in Catholics and non-Catholics alike.
America is Hard to Find A compilation of Daniel Berrigan's writings while on the run from the FBI, letters from Danbury penitentiary, and a potpourri of poems and thoughts on the state of the country.