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Results for "practice: Play"
Claude at the Beach More playful and funny adventures of Claude and his good friend.
Don't Sneeze at the Wedding A whimsical children's book about all the advice a flower girl gets for stopping a sneeze at a wedding.
Stick An appealing children's tale about a puppy looking for a friend to play stick with him.
Episcopal Haiku A whimsical glance at the rituals and foibles of Episcopal life at church and elsewhere.
Summer Poems, essays, and stories to celebrate the delights of the season of summer.
Psychobox Contains tests, optical illusions, and object and sequence recognition tasks.
The Overworked American An important cultural document.
Furry Logic A fine gift book for animal lovers with a sense of humor.
A Brief History of The Smile A fascinating and erudite overview of this culturally diverse human phenomenon.
Beachcombing at Miramar Probes the satisfactions of sun and surf he experienced while living near the Pacific Ocean.