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Results for "submediums: Books - Hardcover,Books - Paperback,Books - Audiobook,Books - Audio Program,Books - Other,Features - Book, main_practice: Joy, for_children: n"
To Feel Go(o)d A discussion of pleasure, joy, and being hardwired for bliss from the perspective of a biophysicist.
Meditations for Happiness Meditations and exercises designed to increase the brain's capacity for happiness and wellness.
Living from the Overflow An examination of the far-reaches of the spiritual paradigm of plenitude.
Happiness Buddhist insights on overcoming mental blindness and afflictive emotions in the pursuit of happiness.
Body and Soul Suggestions of ways to wake up to the miracle of movement and dance.
The Chocolate Cake Sutra A challenge to each of us to become adventurers and take on whatever feeds us in the deepest possible way.
Chasing Joy An exuberant guidebook to joyful living where laughter, love, patience, hope, singing, smiles, and happiness are celebrated.
Happiness A Buddhist monk's understanding of happiness as the deep sense of flourishing that arises from a healthy mind as well as a a way of interpreting the world.
Happiness A broad range of material presented to help us understand the elusive bluebird of happiness.
Everyday You Spiritual practices on joy, mindfulness, and connections.