Taoist Wisdom

When the people lack a sense of awe, there will be trouble in the empire.
─ Lao Tzu in Crazy Wisdom Saves the World Again!

Anglican Wisdom

The creative acts that weave a culture ─ acts of making food and gathering it, making clothes and repairing them, making fun and laughter ─ are integral to their spiritual outlook.
─ Matthew Fox in Wrestling With the Prophets

Catholic Wisdom

A mother has a special beauty in her eyes when she looks with care upon one of her children. Male or female, let each of us practice the prayer of looking upon others and the world with the eyes of a loving mother.
─ Edward Hays in Feathers on the Wind

Psychological Wisdom

We all need affirmation. It’s a need that begins early and continues throughout life. We need to hear that who we are and what we can do are valued by others.
─ Robert Furey in The Art of Affirmation

Protestant Wisdom

Retreat is neither whim nor luxury nor self-indulgence, but a rock-bottom staple of life.
─ Holly W. Whitcomb in Practicing Your Path

Philosophical Wisdom

As you go through the day, become a spy in the kingdom of joy. Look for signs that strangers you meet are enjoying themselves, and actually or vicariously join them.
─ Sam Keen in To Love and Be Loved

Literary Wisdom

You must treat the days respectfully, you must be a day yourself, and not interrogate life like a college professor. The world is enigmatical, – everything said, and everything known or done – and must not be taken literally, but genially. . . . Everything in the universe goes by indirection. There are no straight lines.
-- Ralph Waldo Emerson, American essayist and philosopher

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