For 25 years, bestselling author Julia Cameron has taught a 12-week creative process based on her book The Artist's Way. And over the years, she has tried a number of diets. Then she hit upon the idea that words can be consumed instead of calories. Like all the rest of us she realized that Snack Attacks took away her resolve until she asked herself: "What's eating me that I have a sudden craving to eat? What if I took a moment and jotted down my feelings? What if I gave myself food for thought instead of food itself? Since we can use food to block feelings, why can't we use words to block food? Calories, after all, are units of energy, and so are words."

Cameron explains seven simple tools that can help you write yourself to "Right-Size":

• Morning Pages
• Food Journal
• Walking
• The Four Questions
• Culinary Artist Outings
• HALT ( Don't let yourself get
too Hungry, Angry, Lonely, or Tired)
• The Body Buddy

The rest of the book contains the author's creative commentaries on situations and circumstances that may manifest during this healing journey along with further exercises and tasks. Here you will find helpful essays on trigger foods, identifying your eating pattern, scaling the scale, night eating, food sedative, exercise, refrigerator, the morning after, one day at a time, clothes, mirrors, and much more.

Try a Spiritual Practice on Beauty