Mary C. Grey, Scholar in Residence in Contemporary Theology at Sarum College, Salisbury, Great Britain, poses the question: "What are the tools (disciplines or practices) of a spirituality for apocalyptic times?" The first is the outrageous pursuit of hope in an era when it is not fashionable to salute this human faculty. The author quotes a Ghanaian theologian, Mercy Amber Oduyoye, who challenges us to "wear hope like a skin." That takes patience and persistence given all the suffering and pain surrounding us.

Taking a cue from the writings of Isaiah, Grey believes that Christian churches should "keep alive a dream of justice and peace for humanity and all creatures" by resisting the culture of rampant individualism and the golden calf of greed. This nay-saying, according to the author, is an authentic nay-saying mission.

Another dimension of spirituality for apocalyptic times is keeping visions of the Kingdom of God alive through prophetic imagination. Part of this involves caretaking the earth for the benefit of future generations. Grey concludes with a paean of praise to Wisdom, who is the creative energy with God at the dawn of creation and the teacher, mother, and lover of humanity. To heed Her whispers is to fly on the wings of hope, resistance, and imagination.