Frances Sheridan Goulart's first spiritual/devotional book is a treasure trove of prayers from all the world's religious and spiritual traditions. She alludes to surveys indicating that almost half of all Americans under 30 and one-third of those over 70 think the best religion is one that borrows from all traditions. These seekers are exploring paths outside the bounds of the ones prescribed by institutionalized religions.

Blending traditions for prayer can deepen our own faith, as Karen Armstrong has pointed out: "By learning to pray the prayers of people who do not share our beliefs we can learn at a level deeper than creedal, to value their faith." Today's seeker has many prayer practices and prayerware (tools to assist us in our devotional life) to choose from and the author takes a brief look at lectio divina, mantra, arrow prayers, labyrinth, prayer walking or walking mediation, the inner light meditation, prayer journaling, and many other styles.

This paperback is divided into sections on prayers of the day; for healing and hope; for gratitude and grace; of contrition and atonement; for the Earth and the animals; for peace and justice; to the saints, angels and ancestors; blessings; vows, pledges, and creeds; praise and devotion; affirmations and intentions; and litanies and mantras. Goulart's suggestions for adapting these prayers to your own needs is helpful, as are her concrete practice ideas. We were happy to see prayers by many of our favorite spiritual writers, including Neil Douglas-Klotz, Mary Lou Kownacki, Jamie Sams, Daniel Berrigan, Bo Lozoff, Nan Merrill, Dorothee Soelle, Stephanie Kaza , Thich Nhat Hanh, Brother David Steindl-Rast, and the Dalai Lama.

God Has No Religion: Blending Traditions for Prayer by Frances Sheridan Goulart will make your soul sing with its multifaith wisdom! It is the kind of resource that must become a staple in these times of religious diversity.

Try a Spiritual Practice on Justice