This course was originally offered in 2013 and again in February 2019; since a group of people signed up at the same time, those offerings had online Practice Circles. The course is now available only through our on-demand system where you choose your own start date and how often you want to receive the emails; there is no Practice Circle.

To sign up now for The Wisdom of a Course in Miracles, go to this page:

A Course in Miracles, first published in 1976, is considered by many to be a modern spiritual classic. A profound integration of psychological and spiritual wisdom, it has been viewed as an important contribution to humanity’s awakening by such respected spiritual teachers as Wayne Teasdale and Eckhart Tolle and by transpersonal psychologists like Frances Vaughan and Roger Walsh. One of its core teachings is that all things are lessons:

"This is the lesson God would have you learn:
There is a way to look on everything that lets
it be to you another step to Him . . ."
— A Course in Miracles, Workbook Lesson 193

The Course is not a new religion. It claims to have no corner on the truth, but sees itself as only "one path among thousands" designed to help humanity awaken. Organized as a self-study system to be undertaken with the guidance of the Holy Spirit (our Inner Teacher), the Course has been described as a system of spiritual psychotherapy. The goal of the Course is a depth of inner peace, and the pathway to peace is through forgiveness, the primary spiritual practice of the Course.

Forgiveness is defined in the Course as "the healing of the belief in separation" — from others, from our true nature, and, ultimately, from God. It is, first and foremost, a willingness to look at and release the thoughts of judgment within our own minds that turn others into enemies, and to allow our deeper knowing of unity to dawn again in our awareness.

Perhaps the single most powerful statement in the practice of forgiveness as the Course defines it is “I want to see this differently.” In each moment, the Course teaches, we are perceiving through a lens of separation or through a lens of joining, through eyes of fear or through eyes of love. The inner shift from fear to love is what the Course means by a "miracle." When we restore peace in our minds and hearts, we can extend blessing and healing to the world.

This online retreat was written by respected Course teacher Diane Berke to show how, through such "miracles," all things can become lessons in your life. Diane is Founder and Spiritual Director of One Spirit Learning Alliance and One Spirit Interfaith Seminary. She holds advanced degrees in sociology, psychology, and therapeutic counseling. A student and teacher of A Course in Miracles for more than three decades, she is the author of numerous books and educational manuals, including Love Always Answers, The Gentle Smile, and Developing and Deepening Your Spiritual Practice. A founding member of The Contemplative Alliance of the Global Peace Initiative of Women, she is the 2012 recipient of the Huston Smith Award for Interfaith Education.

You will receive a total of 28 emails, each with:

  • an excerpt from A Course in Miracles
  • a commentary by Diane Berke
  • a way to practice the teaching
  • a link to the Practice Circle, an online forum open 24/7 for you to share your reflections about this course and read those of other participants around the world.

You will also be able to listen to the one-hour teleconference conducted when this e-course was first presented. Register now to experience something of the power and beauty of this profound spiritual path of healing.

(4 CEHs for Chaplains available.)


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