Waiting in line at the bank,
At a fast food restaurant,
Or at the gate at the airport,
Sink yourself completely into this moment.
Feel your feet planted on the ground.
Place your heels about shoulder width apart,
Turn your feet slightly inward
With your weight balanced equally on each foot,
Knees relaxed, not locked.
Open your chest.
Breathe and listen to all the sounds around you.
Take everything in.
Feel the whole environment through your skin.
Become sensitive to the atmosphere of the place.
Breathe a little deeper and notice the smells.
Expand your vision so that you become aware of everything around you.
Finally, feel even deeper than all of this,
Into your own presence,
Into that which is hearing and feeling and seeing.
Let that presence expand and permeate everything around you.
Expand and become the living blessing.

Arjuna Ardagh in Leap Before You Look