Whenever you can remain centered in your inner joy, you have a different attitude about everything. You become joy itself, and you experience a great change within. The joy spreads through your whole being, and your awareness deepens it.

Suddenly you see a friend you have not seen for many days, and you feel joy arising in your heart. But you are focused on your friend, not on your joy. You are missing something, and your joy is fleeting.

Next time you see a friend and suddenly feel joyful, concentrate on this joy. Feel it and become it, and meet the friend while being aware of and filled with your joy. Be present for your friend, and at the same time, remain centered in your happiness.

You can try this technique in many situations: while watching the sun rise, greeting your pet, playing ball with your child, watching a leaf float to the ground. Be centered in your joy. Instead of being object centered, become self-centered. Many people think that when we feel joy, the cause is external. That is not the case. Joy is always within you. The external situation has simply triggered the joy within you.

Pragito Dove in Laughter, Tears, Silence