In Resisting Structural Evil: Love as Ecological and Economical Transformation, Cynthia D. Moe-Lobeda, a professor of Christian ethics, argues that we the are called to love neighbor as self and to nurture Earth's well-being. Thus, she asserts that we are obligated to strive against any powers that keep us from following this call. She specifically points to global corporations that have become so powerful that they negatively influence our relationships with our neighbors and with the Earth. Her concern with the imbalance of corporate power versus public power is worth considering in light of the core American democratic value of public sovereignty — the principle that the power of the government comes from us, the people. Moe-Lobeda offers the following approaches to restoring a balance of power to and for the people:

  • Turn to local and small- or medium-scale businesses and financial institutions as an alternative to global entities.
  • Evaluate a business corporation's moral culture as part of its corporate social responsibility; especially do this for your own company or organization.
  • Take action as citizens and consumers to pressure a corporation to voluntarily change its conduct and constrain corporate conduct within socially responsible, moral, and ethical bounds.
  • Take citizen action to achieve corporate social accountability through publicly mandated regulation and legislation and to limit the privatization and marketing of some essential goods, such as water, seeds, and HIV/AIDS drugs.
Habib Todd Boerger, Cynthia D. Moe-Lobeda in Practicing Democracy at Work by Habib Todd Boerger