It's likely that how you define patriotism differs from how your grandparents did. Take a moment to consider what democratic values your grandparents or other elders conveyed to you, even if you didn’t agree with all of their views. Passing on your values is important to the democratic virtue of cultivating wisdom.

In One Good Work at a Time, author Frances Sheridan Goulart suggests we follow the example from the story of Jacob in Genesis 49. Jacob gathers his sons around him to bless them and to share the wisdom of his life. We can do likewise by creating an ethical will (via writing, audio recording, or video recording) to pass on our beliefs, hopes, wishes, and life lessons to our children and their children (with a copy for each). You may also share copies with nieces and nephews, godchildren, or the children of special friends. Tips for creating your ethical will are available online or in books like Ethical Wills: Putting Your Values on Paper by Barry K. Baines.

Habib Todd Boerger, Frances Sheridan Goulart, Barry K. Baines in Practicing Democracy at Home by Habib Todd Boerger