We can't, as individuals, take care of every one of our own needs. We always need help — from God, from friends and family, from colleagues, and from others. When we try to do everything by ourselves, in fact, we often burn out and miss much of the richness of life. God did not intend for us to operate independently of one another. The sum of all of us together is more magnificent, more wonderful, than any of the individual parts.

We, like the Israelites, can be grateful for the manna in our wilderness — for the people who day by day care, offer support and encouragement, and teach us how to live a rich, full life. We can be manna for others as well. Accepting manna and being manna for others are gifts of God to us and to each other. Partake of it and share it freely.

To Practice: Find ways to be manna for others this week. Then give God thanks for those who have played this role in your life.

Debra K. Farrington in One Like Jesus