O God, in you all things are reconciled
and no estrangement is found:
Give us hope,
even when we can see no way beyond the present conflict.
You are the one who acts
with power when human action fails.
Forgive and heal our failure
to find the way by ourselves,
our human inability even to imagine forgiveness,
our human preference for victory over reconciliation,
and our perverse suspicion that
even to see another point of view besides our own
is to capitulate and lose face.
Help us to seek our worth in your love for us,
and not in any imagined superiority of one over another.
You, O God, who bring good even from great evil,
are one God for all people,
and so we pray to you in hope.

Barbara Cawthorne Crafton in Women's Uncommon Prayers: Our Lives Revealed, Nurtured, Celebrated by Elizabeth Rankin Geitz, Marjorie A. Burke, Ann Smith