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Results for "author_first: Julia, author_last: Cameron"
The Prosperous Heart A twelve-week self-improvement course on finding comfort and ease when your heart is in the right place.
The Prosperous Heart Julia Cameron on knowing that prosperity is more than our cash flow or our fiscal bottom line
Faith and Will Julia Cameron's affirmation that there is a divine plan for our life and God is constantly acting on our behalf (grace).
Prayers to the Great Creator Julia Cameron on the heart exploring the world with wonder.
Prayers to the Great Creator Four prayer books in one volume revealing the multidimensional nature of our yearning for God.
God Is No Laughing Matter Julia Cameron on experiencing kindness all around.
The Creative Life The bestselling writer on her creative life in New York City.
Faith and Will Sees faith as a spiritual practice that can pull us through any dark night of the soul and embolden us to see ourselves as co-creators with God.
The Writing Diet A strategy for losing weight by consuming words rather than calories, based on the tools from The Artist's Way.
Finding Water Practical tips for sustaining your creative efforts as a writer animated by imagination and intuition and grace.